
How I Work

Coaching is a creative partnership. It’s a process that inspires people to make the professional and personal changes they want to make. It’s not therapy. It’s not mentoring. It’s not advice.

As your coach, I will give you my full attention. I’ll ask you powerful questions, act as a sounding board and challenge your blind spots. I’ll encourage you to think deeply and find fresh perspectives, but we’ll focus on the future, not the past. Coaching is about moving forward. We can all talk for ever about our problems, but meanwhile the clock is ticking, the world is burning and life can pass us by.

My coaching style is a mix of empathy, warmth and gentle (sometimes sparky) challenge. One of my former bosses once took a bite of a tangerine and said: “mm, sweet with a tang, like Christina!” That’s about right. Do you want to change or do you not want to change? In the end, it’s up to you.

I’m suspicious of those company websites that list their values. So many sound like a mix of Mother Theresa and Nelson Mandela. But here are some of the things that matter to me: beauty, truth, creativity, intelligence, integrity, courage, curiosity, laughter, coffee, cake, art, books, wine and crisps.

I’ll help you clarify your goals and challenge you to think hard and dig deep, but I’ll also encourage you to listen to your heart.

I’m an ACC certified coach and am also trained in systemic team coaching, somatic and group coaching. I’m a member of the International Coaching Federation and uphold their code of ethics. You can read more about it here.

I usually work with people  for six to twelve months, on Zoom or in central London.

I work with bright, thoughtful, interesting people who want to have more impact in the world. I’m comfortable working with leaders, founders and senior teams but I’m also happy to work with those whose dreams do not relate to a hierarchy. 

If you’re up for the challenge, you can book a free 30-minute consultation with me here.  

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